When your store is connected to Xero, Xero can help you manage and change your tax rates.
Viewing tax rates
Xero Sync creates tax rates based on orders from your Shopify store. Tax rates are created any time your Shopify data is exported to Xero.
Tax rates created by Xero Sync have names that begin with SH.
Please see the steps below to view tax rates created by Xero Sync
- From your Xero Dashboard, select Settings.
- Select General Settings.
- In the Organisation section, select Tax Rates.
- Select the Tax Rates bar to expand the list of tax rates that have been created in Xero.
Mapping tax rates (United Kingdom, Australia, or New Zealand)
If your Xero account is based in the United Kingdom, Australia, or New Zealand, you must map your Shopify tax rates to the default Xero tax rates.
You can do this while setting up Xero Sync, or at any time from the Settings page:
- From the Shopify admin, select Apps.
- Select Xero Sync.
- Select Settings.
- Within the Tax settings section, select a tax rate for each of the listed categories.
- Select Save.