Migrating from Skio to Bold Subscriptions for Shopify Checkout has never been easier. Our dedicated Migrations team is here to provide a white-glove experience to help you get set up quickly with the fastest developing subscription app on Shopify.
There is no need to fill out complicated templates or import the information yourself. We’ll take care of the details and guide you through the entire process to ensure there is no disruption to your existing subscribers. Your customers don't need to resubscribe and will continue to receive their shipments as they always have.
As one of Shopify’s most established partners, Bold is trusted by more than 40,000 subscription brands. Our experienced team has successfully migrated thousands of brands.
Ready to migrate to Bold? It's fast, free, and easy. Your migration can be completed in less than a day, and starts whenever you are ready. Simply click the link below to connect with our Migrations team and start the process:
Schedule my migration.
Learn more about the benefits of migrating to Bold Subscriptions for Shopify Checkout below.
Powerful APIs to support your growth
Access Bold’s powerful APIs and webhooks to build customizations and scale a subscription service that fits your business and grows as your business grows. The sky's the limit when using Bold’s APIs. No other subscription company on Shopify can match Bold’s flexibility and scalability with our accessible APIs.
For more information on what is possible with APIs, please visit our Developer Documentation.
Expanding integrations
Because our robust APIs are accessible to both you and developers alike, more developers are choosing to build new integrations for Bold Subscriptions everyday.
Create shoppable videos on your store using VideoWise, or connect with Reviews.io to leverage your reviews, and add a subscription button directly on Instagram. Enhance your analytics, marketing, or store functionality by expanding your reach with Bold’s integrations.
To see a list of our available integrations, please visit our Integration Hub for Subscriptions for Shopify Checkout.
Powerful out-of-the-box features
Subscriptions for Shopify Checkout comes with a powerful feature set out of the box.
- Allow your customers total control in the customer portal, where they can manage their own subscriptions.
- Reduce voluntary and involuntary churn with robust cancellation and dunning management tools.
- Access reports, activity logs, and analytics for insights to your business health and customer behavior.
- Customize your email notifications to add your business' unique voice.
And so much more!
For a complete overview, please visit Subscriptions for Shopify Checkout Overview.
New features released regularly
Our experienced development team is committed to developing the features you need.
Recently released features include:
- Prepaid subscriptions
- Convertible subscriptions
- Passwordless login for the customer portal
- Log in and view the customer portal as your customer would
- Bulk updates (price and product swapping)
- Fixed shipping rates
- Order Maximizers:
With over a decade of experience on Shopify, our developers are working on getting the right features out to you.
Have a feature you’d like to request? Our team is listening. Let us know!
Unparalleled support
Access our Help Center 24/7 for helpful documentation to get you set up quickly and answer any questions you may have. Support articles are created and updated daily. Create a Help Center account to track your ticket history and save helpful articles.
Fill out a support form anytime, or chat live with our Customer Support team right from within Bold Subscriptions using the messaging widget. You can also access the messaging widget on the Help Center.
Bold’s experienced Customer Support team is here to help!
How will a migration impact my customers?
We offer migrations with no disruptions to your customers. Your customers won’t even know a migration is happening!
How long does a migration take?
Migrations can easily be completed in less than a day once they are scheduled with our team. To experience our white-glove service, we recommend speaking with our migration experts who can assess your specific needs and work with you to build a timeline that works for you and your business!
How do I start a migration?
Simply reach out to our team here!
Can I migrate from another app?
Of course! No matter what app you’re currently using, we can help you get set up with Bold. Every migration is unique, and we are committed to providing our customers with a personalized and hassle-free experience. So why wait? Make the switch and experience it today!
How much do migrations cost?
You can migrate without spending a dime! We believe that you should be able to migrate without worrying about additional costs and that is why we offer this service free of charge.
What is the difference between Shopify Checkout, Shopify Payments and Shop Pay?
Shopify Checkout
The Shopify Checkout is the secure area where your customers enter their shipping and payment information to complete their order from where you sell online. For more information, please visit Shopify’s Help Center.
Shopify Payments
Shopify Payments is a payment gateway by Shopify that allows you to easily accept payments online without the need to connect to a third-party payment provider. For more information, please visit Shopify’s Help Center.
Shop Pay
Shop Pay is an accelerated checkout that allows your customers to save their payment and shipping information so they can save time when purchasing items from any participating Shopify store. For more information, please visit Shopify’s Help Center.
What payment gateways are supported on Shopify Checkout?
You can use Shopify Checkout as long as you are using a compatible primary gateway such as Shopify Payments, Stripe, and Authorize.net.
While you are not required to use Shopify Payments to use Shopify Checkout, it is one of the easiest ways to accept payments online.
If you use Shopify Payments, then you can enable Shop Pay to allow customers to save their shipping and payment information to help them check out faster.
What is a legacy payment gateway account and why can’t I migrate my tokens to Shopify Payments directly?
Currently, there is no functionality to facilitate mapping customer credit card information from Stripe, Braintree, or Authorize.net directly into Shopify Payments. Due to this, a secondary payment gateway migration is needed.
This requires connecting a “legacy” payment gateway (for Stripe, Braintree, or Authorize.net) within Shopify as a secondary payment gateway. All new subscriptions would process through Shopify Payments, while existing subscriptions continue to process through the former gateway.
When the payment method associated with the existing subscription expires (or is updated) and your customer enters their new payment information, it’s captured by Shopify Payments which then processes the payments going forward.
Do third-party gateway fees apply to transactions processed through legacy Stripe or Braintree gateways?
While gateways have their own transaction fees, in some cases Shopify will charge an additional third-party transaction fee depending on whether you are a Plus merchant and have Shopify Payments set up.
Shopify’s third-party transaction fees do not apply to orders processed through legacy gateways when a Plus merchant has Shopify Payments set up as the primary gateway.
What does the migration look like—is there anything I need to do?
Our team will handle most of the process for you! All you need to do is simply:
- Download Bold Subscriptions to your store. There is no need to worry about installing the Liquid code, our expert team will take care of that for you.
- Reach out to our Migrations team by submitting a ticket.
- Reach out to Skio to request a full data export, this includes the payments tokens or contract I.D. information.
That is all! Our team will work with you to determine your target dates.
Migration template
If you'd like an idea of how our team will import your subscriptions data, you can view the migration template explanation below, and download the migrations template CSV file.
Remember: Our team will fill this out for you. There is no need to do anything on your end. Just provide our Migrations team the data export from Skio, and that is it!
Template Heading |
Description |
A - legacy_subscription_id (required) |
This is a unique subscription identifier used for grouping line items together. Upon performing an export from your current platform or app, this will likely be the alphanumeric set of characters representing the ID for the customer's overall subscription. |
B - email (required) |
Your customer's email. |
C - shipping_first_name (required) |
The first name of the customer who will be receiving the subscription. |
D - shipping_last_name (required) |
The last name of the customer who will be receiving the subscription. |
E - shipping_company (not required) |
If your customer has included a company name, this information could be added here. |
F - shipping_street1 (required) |
The street address of the customer who will be receiving the subscription. For example, 123 Main Street. |
G - shipping_street2 (not required) |
Your customer's apartment number, buzz code, or other information relevant to the customer's street address. |
H - shipping_city (required) |
The name of the city where you will be shipping your customer's subscription. Note: City names must be written in full. Abbreviations will not be accepted. For example, use Winnipeg, Toronto, or Chicago. |
I - shipping_province (required only if the shipping_province_code is not set.) |
The name of the province or state where you will be shipping the subscription. Note: Province and State names must be written in full. Abbreviations will not be accepted. For example, use Manitoba, Ontario, or Illinois. |
J - shipping_province_code (not required) |
This is the abbreviated version of a province or state name. For example, MB for Manitoba, or AB for Alberta. |
K - shipping_country (required) |
The name of the country where you will be shipping the subscription. Note: Country names must be written in full. Abbreviations will not be accepted. For example, use Canada, or United States. |
L - shipping_zip (required) |
This is the zip code or postal code of your customer's shipping address. Note: If you are in the US and your zip code is 9 digits long, please put a dash in between. For example, 64735-1234. |
M - shipping_phone (required) |
The phone number of the customer who will be receiving the subscription. Note: The number must be without dashes. For example, 2045556575. |
N - billing_first_name (required) |
The first name of the customer who is being billed for the subscription. |
O - billing_last_name (required) |
The last name of the customer who is being billed for the subscription. |
P - billing_company (not required) |
If your customer has included a company name, this information could be added here. |
Q - billing_street1 (required) |
The street address of the customer who is being billed for the subscription. For example, 321 Main Street. |
R - billing_street2 (not required) |
Your billing customer's apartment number, buzz code, or other information relevant to the street address. |
S - billing_city (required) |
The city the customer who is being billed for the subscription resides in. |
T - billing_province (required only if the billing_province_code is not set) |
The province or state of the customer who is being billed for the subscription. Note: Province and state names must be written in full. Abbreviations will not be accepted. For example, use Manitoba, Ontario, or Illinois. |
U - billing_province_code (not required) |
This is the abbreviated version of a province or state name. For example, MB for Manitoba, or AB for Alberta. |
V - billing_country (required) |
The name of the country which the customer who is being billed for the subscription resides in. Note: Country names must be written in full. Abbreviations will not be accepted. For example, use Canada, or United States. |
W - billing_zip (required) |
The zip or postal code of the customer who is being billed for the subscription. Note: If you are in the US and your zip code is 9 digits long, please put a dash in between. For example, 64735-1234. |
X - billing_phone (required) |
The phone number of the customer who is being billed for the subscription. Note: The number must be without dashes. For example, 2045555657. |
Y - gateway_name (required) |
This is the name of the payment gateway, such as Stripe or Authorize.net |
gateway_customer_id (required) |
This is the customer’s gateway customer ID from your payment gateway. For more information on how to format the gateway_customer_id relevant to your payment gateway, please view the example below based on the checkout you will be using.
AA - gateway_payment_id (not required) |
This is the customer’s payment method token from your payment gateway.
Note: This can be supplied for either Authorize.net or Stripe when a specific payment ID is available. If it is not supplied, then the customer's default source (default card) will be used. |
AB - subscription_group_id (required) |
This is the Bold Subscriptions Subscription Group ID. This number can be found in the app admin under Subscription Groups, in the Name column. This will link the subscription to the rules of the subscription group that the ID belongs to. Note: A default subscription_group_id of zero is only possible for inactive subscriptions. |
AC - subscription_status (required) |
The statuses are:
AD - last_order_datetime (not required) |
This is the date your customer had their last order generated. Note: This must be formatted in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). For example, YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z |
AE - next_order_datetime (required) |
This is the date your customer should have their next order generated. Note: This must be formatted in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). For example, YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z |
AF - platform_product_id (required) |
This is the ID of the product on the destination platform that your customer needs to be subscribed to. This can be found when editing the product in Shopify, within your web browser's address bar at the end of the URL. For example, the product ID is 4457088254016 in the screenshot below. |
AG - platform_variant_id (required) |
This is the ID of the product variant on the destination platform that your customer needs to be subscribed to. This can be found when editing a specific variant in Shopify, within your web browser's address bar at the end of the URL.
For example, the variant ID is 31689213902912 in the screenshot below. Note: If your product doesn't have variants, you can find this information within the Shopify admin of your product. Navigate to the page of the product within your Shopify admin, then enter .json or .xml at the end of the URL. This will take you to a webpage that will display the default variant ID information. See the example below. |
AH - order_rrule (required only if no values are given for the interval_number below.) |
This value must include a DTSTART separated with a line break from the rest of the RRULE. For example: DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20190506T000000 A timezone (TZID) is encouraged, but when without, the subscription will be processed in UTC time. |
AI - interval_number (required if no values were given for order_rrule) |
This is the number of the frequency associated with the subscription.
AJ - interval_type (required if no values were given for order_rrule) |
This is the frequency type for the subscription. For example: day, week, month, year. |
AK - price (required) |
The price is the cost of an individual subscription product. The price must be greater than 0 and without decimals. For example, use 3523 instead of $35.23 Note: If your customers are subscribed to more than 1 subscription product, the price must still be entered as only 1 subscription product. |
AL - charged_currency (required) |
This is the currency your customer has been charged in. For example, CAD, USD, or GBP. |
AM - base_to_charged_exchange_rate (required) |
This is the intended exchange rate between your shop’s base currency (see platform) and the charged_currency provided on the same row of the .CSV file. For example, a base to charged exchange rate between CAD (base) and USD (charged) is 0.79. |
AN - quantity (required) |
This is the quantity of a specific product that your customer is subscribed to. This should be greater than zero. |
AO - is_prepaid (required) |
AP - prepaid_current_recurrence_count (required for prepaid subscriptions) |
This is the number of orders that have already passed in the current prepaid cycle. |
AQ - prepaid_duration (required for prepaid subscriptions) |
This is the number of orders in a prepaid cycle. |
AR - prepaid_continue_as (required for prepaid subscriptions) |
This is the expected behaviour when a customer's prepaid cycle ends.
AS - placed_at (only required if needed) |
This is the date the initial subscription was processed on. This should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z. |
AT - subscription_note (only required if needed) |
These are any notes about the subscription. The note is visible in the Bold Subscriptions admin and is applied as a note attribute on supported platforms. |
AU - customer_notes (only required if needed) |
These are internal notes about the customer. This is applied as a note in the Customer info section of the Bold Subscriptions admin. |
AV - subscription_group_billing_rules_id (only required if needed) |
This ID is used by Bold Subscriptions to show frequency names in both the admin and customer portal. You can find this in the Bold Subscriptions admin when editing your subscription group, next to Subscription frequency. Note: This is recommended for stores with highly customized customer portals. |
AW - discount_code (only required if needed) |
Any discount codes for your subscribers must be set up in Shopify before performing the import. Discount codes are case sensitive. Please enter your discount code exactly as it appears within Shopify. For example, SPRINGSALE, SAVE10, DiscountCode15. |