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Create a Cross-sell Offer

  • Updated

Cross-sells are offers that get added alongside products in a customer's cart. These items are often complementary to an item that a customer has just added.

Your customer will see an Add to Cart button within the offer window. This text is customizable within Upsell's settings.

This article will guide you, step-by-step, on how to properly create a Cross-sell offer.



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Note: If you would like to offer a discounted product for your cross-sell, this can be done with the help of Bold Discounts. For more information on how to integrate Bold Upsell and Bold Discounts together, please visit Upsell & Bold Discounts Integration. Otherwise, Post Purchase offers can be discounted.

To create a cross-sell offer with Bold Upsell, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Bold Upsell > Manual Offers and click Create New Offer.
  2. Enter an internal name for your offer.
  3. Click Set a trigger.
  4. Expand the Trigger event dropdown menu, and select one of the following Trigger events:
    1. Product Page Pop-up - This will display your offer when the add to cart button is selected on the product page.
    2. Cart Page Pop-up - This will display your offer when the checkout button is selected on the cart page.
  5. Under Trigger products, select one of the two options:
    1. Trigger an upsell on specific products - This option allows you to select specific products to act as the trigger product. If this option is selected, proceed to step #6.
    2. Trigger an upsell on every product - This option will set all products on your store as a trigger for the offer. If this option is selected, skip to step #9.
  6. Click Select Products, and select your products, variants, or collection.
  7. Click Save Selection.
  8. Optional: Enter a Trigger quantity.

    Note: This option is not available on the Product Page Pop-up trigger. This is the minimum number of selected products the customer must have in their cart in order for the offer to display on the trigger.

  9. In the Upsell offer section, select Set an Offer.
  10. Enter a Title and Description.
  11. Click Select Products, and select your products, variants or collection.
  12. Optional: Enable Allow customers to select more than one product in the offer.

    Note: This allows the Upsell modal to stay open so the customer can select more than one product in the offer. 

  13. Click Save Selection.
  14. Optional: Enable Allow customers to set product quantities in the offer.
  15. Optional: Select Set Date Range and enter your Start Date and End Date.
  16. Optional: If you have enabled Upsell's funnels feature, you can select Set another offer... on the Offer declined or Offer accepted option. Repeat Steps 8 to 12 until your funnel conditions are satisfied.
  17. Optional: Select Set Cart Price and enter a Min cart total and Max cart total.
  18. Optional: Select any of the Additional Options.
  19. Select Save Offer.

If you have chosen more than 3 offer products, you may only see 3 products appear in the upsell popup modal on the storefront. If you would like to see all offer products, this can be done by enabling the Show all offered products setting within Bold Upsell under Settings > Upsell Settings:

Show all offered products setting