Customer pricing tags allow you to control which of your customers will receive your wholesale discounts in Custom Pricing.
You're able to name the tag, set a discount percentage, and decide whether or not to charge taxes in the checkout for each tag created within Custom Pricing. You can also create multiple tags to apply to different customer tiers and offer separate pricing discounts for certain groups of customers.
You can apply these tags to specific customer accounts to provide them with their pricing discounts.
Please see Create, Edit, or Delete Customer Tags for more information on how to set the tags up.
When a customer is assigned a tag, Custom Pricing converts the prices of your products to reflect the discount that a customer is assigned.
Note: Customers must be logged into their account before entering the checkout in order for Custom Pricing to see their tags and provide them with the correct discount.
When creating a new tag, you're able to set the discount percentage that is provided to customers.
If you do not auto-tag customers, you need to manually add this tag to their customer account in Shopify's admin. You can read more about auto-tagging below, under Features.
Here are a couple of examples showing what a customer would see on a product page while logged into a tagged account and while not logged in with a tagged account. The customer's discount is 50% off when logged in.
Auto-tagging (premium)
If you are using the premium version of Custom Pricing, you're able to set auto-tagging rules for your customer tags. Auto-tagging automatically assigns a customer the corresponding tag once they meet the conditions you've set out for that tag.
Conditions that can be set are:
- Amount of money a customer has spent
- Number of orders a customer has placed
- Country that a customer's billing or shipping address is in
- Product(s) a customer has purchased
The choices for auto-tagging are shown as:
- By History: The amount you enter in the tag settings are compared against the customer's total amount spent or total amount of orders. If they meet or exceed that amount, their account is tagged with the corresponding customer tag.
By Product: When a customer purchases the selected product, their account is tagged.
Note: Customers do not receive their discount on the first order. If it is the first time that a customer is purchasing the product, the tag is added after the initial purchase is made.
- By Country: The customer is tagged based on the address they enter for their customer account.
When an auto-tag rule has been met for a customer, the tag is applied to the customer's account by Custom Pricing during the next batch cycle. A batch cycle is ran once every day at 12:00 AM, CST, that goes over all of the auto-tagging rules you have created and applies a tag to each eligible customer that has met an auto-tag condition.
Prioritizing tags
You're able to reorder your customer tags from most-prioritized (top), to least-prioritized (bottom). This is used for the auto-tagging feature in order to determine which tag should be applied to a customer's account if they meet several conditions at once.
Ready to start auto-tagging your customers?
Send emails to auto-tagged customers
You're able to automatically send an email to specific customers who have been auto-tagged. You can create an automated email for each customer tag that you have created.
Note: Emails are only sent to customers who have been tagged via an auto-tag rule. This does not work if customers have been manually tagged from within Shopify's admin.
Learn how to send auto-tagged emails.
Storewide (default) discount
You can apply a storewide discount (% off) for a specific tag, which only is visible to users logged in with the tag specified.
Note: The storewide discounts feature is not available while on the Variant Dependant Method.
This is the order that Custom Pricing uses to determine which discount is applied:
- Detailed Pricing
- Product Pricing Groups
- Customer Tags (Default Discount)
If your discounts are not reflecting on the storefront, please contact our Customer Success team.