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Bold Checkout Language Settings

  • Updated

Bold Checkout offers a variety of ways to customize your customer's experience, including adjusting the language. Both Latin and non-Latin languages are supported.



Create a new language

If your preferred language isn't available, you can manually add it to Bold Checkout. This option allows you to adjust the language fields, error messages, and more.

  1. From within Bold Checkout, navigate to SettingsLanguage Settings.
  2. Click Create a Language.
  3. Enter your preferred language into the fields available in each section.
  4. Click Save.

Note: Bold Checkout will generate an error if the language is enabled before all fields have been fully completed. 

Once the all language adjustments are fully completed and saved, it will be available for your customers to choose from in the checkout.



Edit an existing language

  1. From within Bold Checkout, navigate to SettingsLanguage Settings.
  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the language you'd like to edit.
  3. Make your desired changes.
  4. Click Save.

Note: You can select Reset All in order to revert all changes back to the original.



Change the default language

When a customer proceeds into the checkout, the default language will be used.

Because Bold Checkout isn't able to dynamically switch the language based on the customer's IP address, the default language must be used until the customer manually selects another language.

We recommend matching your default language to the default currency or selecting a language based on where the majority of your customers are located.

Example: If your store's default language is English, but the majority of your customers are from Italy, setting the default language to Italian may help with your conversion rates.

  1. From within Bold Checkout, navigate to SettingsLanguage Settings.
  2. Under Default Checkout Language, select an imported language from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enable Set as Default.

Note: In order to delete a language, it must not be set to the default language.



Import a language

Alert: Yappen is no longer available for importing languages. Bold is currently looking into a new solution.

Upon installation, Bold Checkout's default language is English. You may import as many languages as you'd like.

  1. From within Bold Checkout, navigate to SettingsLanguage Settings.
  2.  Under Checkout Language, select Import Languages.
  3. Select your desired language from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click Translate and Import.

After the import has been completed, the language will be available to all of your customers from within Bold Checkout.




  • Country and Province/State names cannot be translated.
  • The layout of the address fields will not be changed if you switch to a language that has a different address format.