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Google Tag Manager & Bold Checkout Integration

  • Updated

Bold Checkout integrates with Google Tag Manager to expand on your store's analytics. You will need to have a Google Tag Manager account in order to use this integration.

Alert: When using Bold Checkout with Google Tag Manager, both Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel IDs must be entered into Google Tag Manager directly. Entering these IDs anywhere else will result in your store's events being tracked twice.




  1. Within the Bold Checkout admin, select Settings > Analytics.
  2. Under Google Tag Manager (GTM), enter your GTM Container ID.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click I Accept. Note: By accepting this, you are accepting responsibility for the security and privacy of your customer's data.



History Change trigger

Because Bold Checkout is a single page application, it's not able to trigger page views in Google Tag Manager. We recommend using the History Change trigger instead.

  1. Within Google Tag Manager, click Triggers > New.
  2. Click Trigger Configuration and choose the History Change trigger type.
  3. Set which of the following triggers you would like to track:
    • Select all history changes to track events any time the page changes (optional).
    • Specify which history changes to track on specific pages.

Three page checkout

Customer information page has no URL modifier:

  • Shipping method: URL contains: /shipping_method
  • Payment method: URL contains: /payment_method
  • Thank you Page: URL contains: /confirmation

One page checkout

Main page has no URL modifier:

  • Thank You Page: /confirmation



Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel

Bold recommends using Google Tag Manager for all of your analytics and tracking scripts, including custom scripts. This allows you to keep everything organized and customized to your needs.

If your store has previously integrated Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel with Bold Checkout, it's recommended to integrate them through Google Tag Manager instead.




Google Tag Manager is a solution offered and maintained by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google Tag Manager is used to manage tags or small code elements for tracking and analytics. Enabling Google Tag Manager in your checkout allows you to embed third party scripts and cause tags to be activated that may have access to your customers' personal information and collect data.

By choosing to enable Google Tag Manager, you maintain and hereby accept your responsibility for ensuring the privacy and security of your customers' data, and for managing their consent to the collection of their personal information. Google requires you to have and abide by an appropriate privacy policy and all applicable agreements and regulations including:

If you have third party scripts and/or tags delivered through Google Tag Manager, you hereby acknowledge and agree that Bold Commerce is not responsible for third party scripts and/or tags. Please ensure that you trust the third party scripts you are installing, as they can cause issues and security vulnerabilities.

Bold Commerce reserves the right to limit or modify access to items of data accessible or available via the checkout page in response to security or privacy considerations.




There are many different types of tags that you can set up with Google Tag Manager. Please visit Google Tag Manager's supported tag list for more information.

You can also create custom HTML tags and custom image tags. Common uses for Google Tag Manager are HotJar for heatmaps and recordings, Google Ads, and Pinterest Tags.