Bold Checkout allows you to create flexible discount codes that your customers can use for sales and special events on your store.
- From within Bold Checkout, navigate to Payment options > Discount codes.
- Click Create a discount.
- Under Step 1, enter an internal discount name.
Note: This internal name is used to help you identify the discount code between others created in Bold Checkout.
- Under Step 2, either enter a discount code or click Generate code.
- Under Step 3, select a discount type and if applicable, enter a discount amount.
- Optional: Under Step 4, enable a discount code condition:
- Use limit for discount code: This allows you to set a limit for the amount of times that the discount code can be used on the checkout page in total.
- Use limit per customer: This allows you to restrict how many times the discount code can be used per customer on your store.
- Date Range: This allows you to restrict the use of the discount code to a specific date range.
- Click Save.
Once you are ready to go live with discount codes, please ensure the Discounts enabled setting is on. This allows you to turn individual discount codes on and off.
Note: If a discount code has a future start date, enabling the Discounts enabled setting or toggling the discount code on will not activate the discount code in question until the start date set for the discount code has been met.
Delete a discount code
- From within the Bold Checkout app, navigate to Payment options > Discount codes.
- Click the ellipsis next to the discount code you would like to delete.
- Select Delete, then click OK.
Edit or view an existing discount code
- From within the Bold Checkout app, navigate to Payment options > Discount codes.
- Click the ellipsis next to the discount code you would like to edit or view.
- Select View / Edit.
- Adjust the discount code accordingly and click Save.