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Export Orders from Shopify to QuickBooks Online

  • Updated

QuickBooks Sync is used to export paid or fulfilled orders directly from your Shopify admin to your QuickBooks Online account.

Exported orders include the following information:

  • order numbers
  • order sources
  • products
  • taxes
  • dates
  • payment information
  • customer details
  • billing addresses
  • shipping addresses
  • shipping costs

Exports do not include partially refunded or partially paid orders.

QuickBooks Sync doesn't manage your product inventory using the data that you export from Shopify. There are separate third-party apps available in the Shopify App Store that sync inventory data between QuickBooks Online and your Shopify store.

You can configure how QuickBooks Online receives exported information in the Settings page in your QuickBooks Online admin.

By default, QuickBooks Online records exported orders as sales receipts in the Product sales account, purchased gift cards as liabilities in the Gift cards account, purchases made with PayPal as deposits in the PayPal account, and payments associated with your Shopify orders as assets in the Payment deposits account.




  1. From the Shopify admin, select Apps.
  2. Select QuickBooks Sync.
  3. In the Export Shopify data to QuickBooks Online section, select the date range that you want to export orders.

    Select Date Range

  4. Select Export.

    Note: After you've made multiple exports, you can review past orders in the Previous exports section, and select the date of a specific export to view its details.

    Select Export

  5. If your export fails, then you can select Review the export details to see which orders aren't exporting properly.




Can I export partial refunds from Shopify to QuickBooks Online?

QuickBooks Sync supports partial line items, partial order refunds and full order refunds.

All refunds are created as Refund Receipts in QuickBooks Online.


Can I separate shipping from sales of products when importing to QuickBooks Online from Shopify?

Shipping is brought over as a line item and cannot be separated.


Can multiple discounts in an order export over to QuickBooks Sync?

Yes! QuickBooks Sync supports exporting multiple discounts per order, including automatic discounts. The total discount amount for the entire transaction is displayed on the sales receipt that is created in QuickBooks Online, while maintaining the original price of the line items.

Multiple Discounts Example


How are taxes handled for multiple locations?

QuickBooks Online taxes one location if you only have one location entered within the Shopify settings. For more information on tax handling with QuickBooks Sync, please visit Exporting Taxes Overview.


Is shipping taxed?

Yes, shipping is always taxed. For more information on tax handling with QuickBooks Sync, please visit Exporting Taxes Overview.


Which account should I link my sales to?

A revenue or income type account, such as a Sales Income account, is recommended to link your sales to.

The account is most often titled Sales or Sales of Product Income, although the name can vary and may need to be tailored to your specific company profile.

Please reach out to your accountant or contact QuickBooks Online Support for assistance with changing these details in QuickBooks Online.


Why are my sales being held in Shopify holding rather than undeposited funds?

If you are processing orders using Shopify Payments, the funds are not held within undeposited funds.

Instead, the funds from your sales will be held within Shopify holding until Shopify pays these transactions out.



Customer names appended with -1 after export/sync

Customer names are appended with -1 after an export or sync when there are existing customers within QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks Sync does not sync with customers that exist within QuickBooks Online prior to performing exports.


Error message: Duplicate Document Number

The error Duplicate Document Number commonly appears when QuickBooks Sync fails at creating a sales receipt during an export.

This error appears when a sales receipt in the export has already been exported to your QuickBooks Online account.

All sales receipts must have unique names.


You have a sales receipt in QuickBooks Online titled #1001. You then try to export a Shopify order also titled #1001. Because of this, the export fails, as you cannot have multiple sales receipts in QuickBooks Online with the same document number.


Error message: Unauthorized QuickBooks Access

If you have signed into QuickBooks Online to authorize, but your issue is still not fixed, you may have the same QuickBooks Online account connected on two stores in QuickBooks Sync.

QuickBooks Sync does not support a simultaneous connection of two stores to the same QuickBooks Online account at the same time. You must connect and export only one store at a time.

As a workaround, we recommend the following:

  1. Disconnect store #1
  2. Export store #1's orders
  3. Disconnect store #1
  4. Connect store #2
  5. Export store #2's orders

Repeat these steps as necessary.


Information is not mapped correctly in QuickBooks

When QuickBooks Sync creates a customer or variant in your QuickBooks Online account, a mapping is generated to avoid creating duplicate information.

When information is changed on a customer or variant, this mapping is not updated.



  1. From the Shopify admin, select Apps.
  2. Select QuickBooks Sync.
  3. Select Manage Mappings.

    Select Manage Mappings

  4. Select Customers or Variant.

    Select Customer or Variant

  5. Select the edit icon next to the mapping you want to adjust.

    Select Edit

  6. Select the correct customer or variant.

    Select Customer or Variant

  7. Select Save Mapping.

    Select Save Mapping


Shopify orders fail to export

QuickBooks Sync may encounter errors that stop your exports from functioning. An order in Shopify can fail when exported to QuickBooks Online for a variety of reasons.

Performing an export of the date range when you encountered these errors provides you with a list of all failed orders along with an explanation of why they failed to export.

If your exports stop functioning, we highly recommend disconnecting and reconnecting the app from your QuickBooks organization.



  1. From the Shopify admin, select Apps.
  2. Select QuickBooks Sync.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Disconnect.
  5. Navigate back to the Shopify admin and select Apps.
  6. Select QuickBooks Sync.
  7. Reconnect your QuickBooks organization by selecting Connect now.

Once QuickBooks Sync has been successfully disconnected and reconnected, your exports should resume.


Editing Orders in Shopify

Edited Shopify orders cannot be exported with QuickBooks Sync. Only the original, unedited Shopify order can be exported through the integration.

Shopify refunds continue to export correctly after the order's been placed.

If your exports are still not functioning, please contact our Customer Success team.