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Create a Cart Drawer Offer

  • Updated

Cart Drawer offers allow you to display a cross-sell offer right within your storefront cart drawer in a location of your choice. Display your offer above the cart items, below the cart items, or in the footer of the cart drawer.

Note: This feature requires AJAX cart functionality.

This article guides you, step-by-step, on how to properly create a Cart Drawer offer.





Step 1: Enable the Cart Drawer app embed on your theme.

  1. From your Shopify admin, navigate to Sales Channels > Online Store > Themes.
  2. Next to your chosen theme, click Customize.


  3. Click the App embeds icon in the left menu.

    App embeds menu

  4. Enable Cart Drawer Offer by sliding the toggle to the right.

    Cart Drawer Offer app embed

  5. Click Save.


Step 2: Customize the Cart Drawer Offer settings

  1. Click on the Cart Drawer Offer app embed to expand the settings.
  2. Optional: Use the Cart Drawer Offer Position menu to select a location for your Cart Drawer Position.

    Note: View the placement of your offer by adding a product to your cart from within the theme editor and reopening the cart.

    Changing Cart Drawer Position
  3. Optional: Check the box next to Show Quantity Input to enable the quantity selector in the Upsell offer.

    Note: Enabling the quantity selector here will apply to all your Cart Drawer offers. If you’d like to enable this on a case-by-case basis for each individual offer, you can do this in the offer settings as shown below in Step 3: Create your offer in Upsell.

    Quantity Input
  4. If you are using a Shopify vintage theme, check the Use Custom Cart Drawer box to ensure the Cart Drawer offer works on your store.

    Note: If you are unsure of whether you are using a vintage or Online Store 2.0 theme, please visit Shopify's article Theme architecture versions.

    Use Custom Cart Drawer
  5. Click Save.


Step 3: Create your offer in Upsell.

  1. Navigate to Bold Upsell > Manual Offers and click Create New Offer.
  2. Enter an internal name for your offer.
  3. Click Set A Trigger.
  4. Expand the Trigger event dropdown menu, and select Cart Drawer Widget.
  5. Under Trigger products, select one of the two options:
    1. Trigger an upsell on specific products - This option allows you to select specific products to act as the trigger product. If this option is selected, proceed to step #6.
    2. Trigger an upsell on every product - This option will set all products on your store as a trigger for the offer. If this option is selected, skip to step #9.
  6. Click Select Products, and select your products, variants or collection you would like to trigger the offer.
  7. Click Save Selection.
  8. Optional: Enter a Trigger quantity.

    Note: This only shows the offer if your customer has that number of trigger products in the cart.

  9. Click Set An Offer.
  10. Enter a Title.
  11. Click Select Products, and select your products, variants or collection you would like to offer.

    Note: For ease of viewing in the cart, we recommend choosing three or fewer offer products.

  12. Click Save Selection.
  13. Optional: Enable Allow customers to set product quantities in the offer.
  14. Optional: Select Set Date Range and enter a Start and End date.
  15. Optional: Select Set Cart Price and enter a Min and Max cart total.
  16. Optional: Apply any of the Additional Options.

    Note: Read more about these settings in Upsell Offers Overview.

  17. Select Save Offer.