Bold Memberships allows you to run any type of membership on your store and charge a recurring membership fee for it via Stripe. Offer sophisticated memberships to show exclusive content, including specific products, collections, pages, blog posts and more, or basic memberships for offline services such as fitness classes or piano lessons.
Bold Memberships sends the transaction details over to the Stripe account that is connected within the app to process the payment. When the transaction has been successfully captured, the customer information, such as the name and email is then added into the Bold Memberships app, along with a transaction record.
When a membership plan has been purchased by a customer, a tag is added to the customers account automatically and a notification email is sent to their email address. A notification email is not sent if a customer is invited to a free membership from within the app, as they accept the invite through email.
Note: PayPal can no longer be used as a payment gateway in Bold Memberships for new merchants due to SCA requirements. Please visit Bold Memberships - SCA Impact to PayPal FAQ for more information.
Bold Memberships does not create Shopify orders. If you would like to sell products on a recurring basis, this can be achieved with Bold Subscriptions. For more information, please visit What's the Difference Between Bold Memberships & Bold Subscriptions?.
Lean more about Bold Memberships by viewing each section below. When you're ready, please visit Set up Bold Memberships.
Availability & installation
Memberships can be installed through the following link: Shopify App Store - Bold Memberships.
Memberships requires a liquid installation in order to function correctly on your site. There are adjustments that the app must make on your theme to display the correct information for your member's exclusive content.
Please visit Bold Memberships Code Install Instructions for more information on how to insert the app's code or request assistance.
Note: Third party page builder apps cannot be used alongside Bold Memberships at this time. In order for Bold Memberships to function correctly, we recommend removing the third party page builder app and the liquid code from your store. Removing the app may automatically cancel all of your membership plans.
Pricing & transaction fees
Bold Memberships' app pricing is based on the number of members you have. As you grow, you need to upgrade your plan. If you need to offer memberships to more than 10,000 members, please reach out to our Customer Success team.
Note: All plans are available for free for development and sandbox (links to Shopify) stores.
Members |
Up to 50 |
Up to 100 |
Up to 1,000 |
Up to 5,000 |
Up to 10,000 |
Monthly Price |
$9.99 |
$19.99 |
$49.99 |
$199.99 |
$299.99 |
Sign up form (widget or buy button) |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Exclusive content |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Configurable email notifications |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Offer member trial periods |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Send free member invites |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Manage membership customer area |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Customizable forms & fields |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Create unlimited number of plans |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
✔ |
Transactions fees
Stripe will apply its standard processing fees to any money received. The exact fees may vary by country, or special arrangements or promotions with your account; the typical fee is 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction.
Payments processed through Stripe are charged an additional 1% transaction fee from Bold. These transactions can be viewed in your Stripe monthly invoice that can be located within your Stripe account.
Members only content
With Bold Memberships you can supply exclusive content to your members using the show & hide rules. Once your customers have signed up for a membership plan, Bold Memberships applies the membership tag to their account and gives them access to those hidden areas.
You can provide exclusive access to:
- Blogs or Blog Posts
- Pages
- Collections
- Products
- Product prices
- Add to Cart buttons
For more information on how to set this up, please visit Create Members Only Content in Bold Memberships.
Flexible sign-up forms
Embed a widget into an existing page or a new page to display your membership sign-up form, or use buy buttons to have the sign-up form pop up in a separate window. Show several different plans to encourage customers to sign up for a longer plan!
Want to know your member's favorite color? Customize your sign-up form by adding additional fields to capture more information. Reorder the fields or change the language altogether!
Want the form to match your store's look and feel with matching colors and fonts? Visit Buy Button & Widget Styling in Bold Memberships for step-by-step instructions.
Three membership plan levels (weekly, monthly, and yearly) using buy buttons:
Email notifications
Bold Memberships comes with a variety of email notifications that you can enable to automatically be sent to your customer when certain events are triggered, such as:
- New Membership Purchase Success
- Transaction Failure
- Membership Cancelled
- Grace Period Reminder
- Grace Period Expired
And more..
These emails can be customized with your own language and offer a list of merge fields that can be used to auto-populate information unique to your member.
For more information, please visit Email Settings in Bold Memberships.
In-app view:
Offer free trials
Add a little incentive to your membership plans by offering a free trial along with your memberships plans. Choose the duration of the free trial and offer different trial lengths for each plan you set up!
To see how to set this up, please visit Offer a Trial Period with Bold Memberships.
Free membership invites
Invite those special customers, friends, or family to a free membership. Use this feature to test out your plan for yourself! Inviting a member will allow them to access all your plan's benefits for free. No billing information is taken for free membership invites.
To see how to set this up, please visit Invite a Customer for a Free Membership with Bold Memberships.
Bold Custom Pricing integration
Do you want to offer exclusive pricing and discounts for your members only? Integrate Bold Memberships with Bold Custom Pricing to accomplish this.
With Bold Custom Pricing you can set up different discount levels for your bronze, silver, and gold level members. When your members are logged in, they see the discounts available for their plan level.
To read more about Custom Pricing, please visit Custom Pricing Overview & Pricing.
For more information on how to set up this integration, please visit Bold Memberships & Custom Pricing Integration.