By default, changing the price of your subscription products from within Shopify only changes the price in the Shopify admin and on your storefront. Existing subscribers will remain subscribed to the product at the original price.
Bold Subscriptions’ Bulk Update tool allows you to update the price of products involved in existing subscriptions.
This article walks you through the setup, functionality, and features of the Bulk Update tool, as well as outlines some important considerations.
Video Walkthrough
The Bulk Update tool can update the price of the products in your customer's existing subscriptions. You can update the prices and discounts at both the product and the variant level.
The update can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the number of subscriptions your customers have, the amount of products in each subscription, and the amount of variants which need to be updated. All subscriptions are checked for updates during the process – even if only one subscription product is being updated. You can safely navigate away from the page while the update is in progress.
Shipping rates are also updated on subscriptions which qualify for a new rate due to a price change.
Once your updates are complete, you can download a summary of the Bulk Update Report. This outlines all of the changes in a CSV file. You can read more about this below.
Important considerations
Please read through the considerations below before performing your bulk update.
Storefront changes
The Bulk Update tool does not update the price of your subscriptions on the storefront or in the Shopify admin—only those involved in your customer's existing subscriptions. Updates to your storefront price need to be done from the Shopify admin as usual.
Prepaid subscriptions
If a product that belongs to an existing prepaid subscription has its price updated, your customers are not charged or refunded any differences on orders that they have already paid for. The price of the prepaid subscription will update when it is set to renew. This is also true for changes related to new shipping rates.
Multiple bulk updates
Only one bulk update can be actioned at a time. The bulk update button is disabled if a fixed shipping update is in progress.
Currency considerations
Bulk price updates cannot be applied to subscriptions purchased in a currency outside of your store’s default currency.
Success message
The success message that is displayed after a price update indicates that all updates were attempted, however, it is still possible for Shopify to reject some updates. It’s best to download your Bulk Update Report summary once complete. This allows you to check for subscriptions which may not have had their prices updated. If updates continue to fail after additional attempts, please reach out to our Customer Success team.
Customer notification
Your customers are not notified when a bulk price update occurs. It’s best to ensure your subscribers are notified by email when your prices are updated.
To create a price bulk update, please follow the steps below.
- From the Bold Subscriptions admin, navigate to Subscriptions > Bulk Updates.
- Select Create a bulk update.
- Using the dropdown menu under Update type, select Price.
- Click Select Products.
- Select your product(s) and then click Confirm.
Note: A maximum of 25 products or variants can be selected in one update.
- Next to your product, select one of the following options:
- View X variants. This allows you to update the price of each variant individually.
- Choose price for all variants. This allows you to update all variants to the same price.
- Choose new Price. This allows you to update the price of a product with one or no variants.
- Enter the new price in the New base product price field.
- Select one of the following options:
- Remove existing discounts.
Apply a new discount to all subscriptions. This allows you to enter a new discount either by Percentage Off (%) or fixed Amount Off ($).
Note: For example, if you add a new base product price of $10, and apply a new discount to all subscriptions of 10%, your existing subscribers will receive the product for $9.
- Click Save changes.
- Repeat steps 5-8 until all the products you have selected are updated.
- Select Confirm Changes.
Note: You can safely navigate away from this page while the prices are syncing. The update can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.
- Recommended: Select Download Summary.
Bulk Update Report
Once your updates are complete, you can download a summary of the Bulk Update Report. This outlines all of the changes in a CSV file. Summaries for all your bulk updates are available in the Subscription admin once complete.
The price Bulk Update Report contains the following information:
- subscription_id: The ID of the subscription. This can be found on the Subscriptions page in the Bold Subscription admin.
- line_item_id: The ID of the line item. This is not displayed in the Bold Subscription admin but can be accessed through Bold’s APIs.
- subscription_status: The status of the subscription (i.e., paused, active, inactive, etc.).
- email: The email addresses of subscribers who've had their subscription prices updated.
- current_currency: The currency the subscription is charged in.
- product_name: The name of the product
- platform_product_id: The ID of the product in Shopify.
- variant_name: The name of the variant.
- platform_variant_id: The ID of the variant in Shopify.
- price_before_update: The price of the product/variant before the update.
- price_after_update: The price of the product/variant after the update.
result: The result of the update. The possible values are as follows:
- applied: The price update was successfully applied.
- not_applied: The line item was not selected to be updated.
- no_currency_match: The subscription did not match the store’s default currency so the update could not be applied.
- exception: The update was attempted but failed.