Subscriptions for Shopify Checkout offers a wide range of options to view and analyze your overall subscription information. You can access this information through the Bold Subscriptions' Dashboard and in the settings under Activity Logs.
With Bold Subscriptions, you can:
- See snapshots of your churn rate and estimated subscription revenue over a period of time.
- Download and view all your subscriber's information in a CSV file.
- Review a log of changes made to your customer accounts, subscription settings and more.
Dashboard analytics
At the top of the Dashboard page you can view your Subscriptions at a glance statistics. The Active subscriptions number does not include paused or cancelled subscriptions. Paused subscriptions are shown below, within the same section.
The Active subscription number is the most accurate as it is pulled from the database.
The Dashboard Overview calculates your estimated subscription revenue over a set period of time. Orders that are set to recur are taken into consideration. You can review these stats as soon as you begin using the app, including an overview of your new subscriptions, cancellations, and monthly churn rate.
You can view the statistics for a specific period of time by selecting the Date Range under Overview:
Under Subscription trend over time, you can view your trends over time as well as a snapshot of your active subscriptions.
This count may not be 100% accurate as it is calculated from the activity log. This can cause discrepancies when there are changes to a subscription status that are not logged in the activity log.
The Reports section of Bold Subscriptions Dashboard allows you to download a detailed CSV of both your active and inactive subscriptions. This report holds all your individual subscriber data.
General reports
- All subscriptions: This report contains subscription information for all of your active and inactive subscriptions on your shop, such as the created date for all subscriptions, the date in which current paused subscriptions were paused on, the next order date for active subscriptions, etc.
- All customers: This generates a report which holds all of your customer's information.
- Customers by product: This report allows you to see the information for each subscription customer along with the details of their subscription product. This includes the status of their subscription, product variant, quantity, date subscribed, and more.
Historical reports
- Cancelled subscriptions: This report contains the subscription information for all your subscriptions cancelled within a specific timeframe. This includes cancellation reasons if you have enabled these within the Cancellation Management settings.
- Failing payments: This report shows all your customers with failing transactions along with the reason for the failure, time, subscription I.D, and more.
- Transaction fees: This report generates a CSV file outlining all orders within a timeframe along with their transaction fees.
- Transactions and sales: This report allows you to see subscription details such as order ID, order amount, shipping, taxes, and more.
Forecasting Reports
- Upcoming products: This report allows you to view your scheduled upcoming orders and upcoming products so that you can forecast the amount of inventory you need during a specific date range.
The date/time fields in your reports are returned with a Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) format. To convert UTC to your store’s time zone, you can use the following formula if the date/time field was in an A1 cell: =DATEVALUE(MID(A1,1,10)) + TIMEVALUE(MID(A1,12,8))
To convert to a different time zone, you can add either add or subtract the time offset. For example, if you’d like to convert UTC to EST, you would add -TIME(5,0,0) to the end of the formula. This looks like: =DATEVALUE(MID(A1,1,10)) + TIMEVALUE(MID(A1,12,8)) - TIME(5,0,0)
Once the formula is applied, you can format the column. Select the column and click Format > Number > Date Time.
Create a report
- Select Reports from within the Dashboard.
- Select the report you wish to generate.
Note: Historical reports require you to enter a Date Range.
- Select Create 1 report.
Note: The report can take several minutes to generate.
- Select View all reports.
- Select the download icon to download your CSV file.
Note: You can access and download your generated reports for 7 days.
Customers page
The totals shown on the Customers page do not represent subscription numbers. These numbers represent customers who have subscriptions in either an active or inactive state. This number is not likely to match the number of subscriptions as customers can have more than one subscription.
Subscriptions page
On the Subscription page, you can filter by Active subscriptions. This number is accurate as it comes from the database. This number matches what is shown on the dashboard when the paused subscriptions are subtracted.
Activity logs
Within Bold Subscriptions' activity log, you can review a log of all your customer's changes, app setting changes and other activities. You can filter by event, user type, and date range.
- All events.
- Subscription Group - Created, Updated or Deleted.
- Subscription - Created, Updated, Notification sent, Cancelled, Failed, or Paused.
- Subscription order - Created, Refunded, or Refund failed.
- Shop settings - Updated.
- Email settings - Updated.
- Email template - Created, Updated, Deleted or Main template updated.
- Customer - Created, Updated, or Logged in.
- User - Logged in.
- Shop emails - Updated.
- Customer address - Created or Updated.
User Types
- All users
- Bold admin
- Subscription app
- Customer
- Store admin